With the hype around Pokemon’s Generation nine only continuing to rise, all new and nostalgic gamers are reintroduced to the same old question: which version do I get, Pokémon Scarlet or Violet?
With the game still fresh out of the oven, nobody has been able to discover the extent of the differences between the two games. But with leaks and those with early access, there’s still plenty out there circulating to help you make a decision before the fated day comes when you purchase your version.
What We Already Know Following The News
You’ve have to be turning a blind eye to every bit of content that came out from Nintendo these past few months to not know these few details about the games. But the main differences between Scarlet and Violet will be the universities and professors we meet. Within Scarlet, we attend a university called Neranja University where our professor who mentors us is Professor Sada, a tan woman with thick wavy hair sporting bands of what appear to be arrowheads as a necklace and belt. Because the school’s theme is centered around the fruit given the Spanish translation, the clothing options of this school naturally fit into orange and red themes for our school uniform.
At the other university of Uva, we address Professor Toro, a sleek-dressed man in a Tron bodysuit, looking like he’s ready to jump into the nearest Gundam. For this school, the theme uses colors that are, well, violet in a way that is both purple and blue because uvas translate to grapes in English. School uniforms in University Uva will reflect that with blue-ish purple colors and accents.
Another stark difference between the two games is obviously the box Legendaries, Koraidon in Scarlet and Miraidon in Violet. Both Legendaries seem to be tailored after reptiles with very unique twists to them that seem to indicate what kind of overall theme is going to carry out through both games. Pokémon Scarlet focuses on more past-related designs when it comes to the new Pokémon, even Koraidon sports feathers and rigid scales that reflect a dinosaur theme. While Miraidon has a sharp design that is smart and robotic to reflect what we would think of technology from the future. With both games focusing on time, choosing between Scarlet and Violet is choosing between the past and the future.

What Leaks and Early Access Have Revealed
This is your last chance to avoid spoilers before the game is released and you experience the magic yourself. But if you’re still wavering on which one to get, we’re going to delve further into what Pokémon we can hope to see. We’ve come to be familiar with different Pokémon being available between different versions of the game and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are no different. The following is a list of pokemon that are going to exclusive to each versions of the game, but wait, there’s more.
- Armarouge
- Stonjourner
- Oranguru
- Stunky
- Skuntank
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Larvitar
- Puritan
- Tyranitar
- Deion
- Zweilous
- Hydreigon
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Great Tusk
- Ceruledge
- Eiscue
- Passimian
- Gulpin
- Swalot
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Baton
- Sheltone
- Salamence
- Dreepy
- Drakloak
- Dragapult
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Iron Treads
Not only will pokemon be divided between the two games, but there are going to be exclusive pokemon that have past and future versions. This is similar to what we saw in Legends Arceus where we had exclusive pokemon that predated versions of themselves due to existing centuries before the present timeline. Scarlet and Violet will also be taking advantage of this with alternate designs of the following pokemon with Scarlet taking on more prehistoric designs and Violet taking on more robotic and futuristic designs. These new designs are called Paradox Pokemon so while you can’t get the original Salamence in Scarlet, you can get the alternate Paradox Version of the pokemon, Roaring Moon.
- Amoongus
- Jigglypuff
- Misdreavus
- Volcarona
- Salamence
- Donphan
- Magneton
- Suicune
- Tauras
- Delibird
- Gallade
- Hariyama
- Volcarona
- Tyranitar
- Donphan
- Hydreigon
- Virizion
- Taurus
Has this article helped you come to a decision? Let us know which version you get either here or by keeping up with us on Twitter.

Jordan is a student studying Digital and Print Journalism at the University of North Texas. After discovering how much fun gaming journalism can be, she hopes to make a career in it once she graduates. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing games such as Genshin Impact, Ace Attorney, and Fire Emblem or watching Murder, She Wrote late at night on weekdays.