If the player chooses to sift through the entirety of what is available to them, they might find an abandoned building, which now only a bookshop remains as one of its businesses. The player learns that the other failed businesses once housed in the derelict complex was a sort of role playing game company that used the radio. You can learn about the company’s entire history, the lore of the game they invented, the reason why they failed to maintain profits, and specific relationships between employees within the company, and none of it matters to the story. In fact, none of it matters to anyone outside of the building itself.
Putting aside the egregious amount of time and effort the story puts into revealing the economic and political consequences of fictional people in fictional places the player doesn’t even have access to, there is so much that the game provides for the player which completely distracts from anything the protagonist should even remotely care about, and it’s not just a few dialogue boxes or thought bubbles to provide context, it’s hours of gameplay and miles of text. The failed role-playing business is just one example of the potential scope this game offers to waste your time on.
I’m not saying this game isn’t for anyone, in fact a proportionately high amount of players will praise the game for it’s writing, characters, and story-telling. What I’m warning potential players is that if you’re looking to play a narrative heavy game which centers on a grizzled detective solving a murder in a unique world, than prepare for lengthy discussions of the effects of war, politics, economics, and racism on every aspect of this town, as well as nearby countries, and everyone inside it, past or present, that takes up significantly more time and exploration.
Instead, you should play The Wolf Among Us. Which contains socio-economic discussions of a fictional world and fictional people, a grizzled detective the player can influence, and a murder central to the story. Except this game accomplishes these things in a concise and forgiving manner which doesn’t require unnecessary side tracking and many hours of dialogue sifting.