Rainbow Six Siege pushed its latest anti-cheat update today, and gamers who are concerned with running across cheaters can take a breath of fresh air. Ubisoft announced that players can now report players through the match replay option.
Ever have a player disconnect before the report can go through? Ever want to report a player after the game has already concluded? Entering match replay through the menu now gives players the option to report suspicious players even days after the incident occurred.
“Being able to report players during a match replay is an additional step that we’ve taken to make it easier for the community to give feedback when it comes to suspicious players,” Rainbow Six Siege developers said in a statement.
The developers hope this update will streamline the reporting process and make it easier to cleanse the game of suspicious and abusive players.
Ubisoft said that the best process to report players is still through the in-game reporting section. However, players can send reports through social media if they capture a recording of the incident with the player’s user ID, match ID and date.
This anti-cheat update is part of a larger push by the game company to address the cheating problem within Rainbow Six Siege. Their last anti-cheat update released back in August. That update announced their step of blacklisting phone numbers associated with cheating accounts.
A journalism graduate from the University of North Texas, Allyson loves writing about games almost as much as she loves playing them.