Fans of the popular multiplayer horror game can rejoice. Dead by Daylight announced that they will release a major quality-of-life update. Changes include a new survivor HUD, changes to Merciless Killer and an improved queueing experience. The changes were added today to the public test build with the 6.5.0 PTB update for players to try. They are expected to come to the live version of the game later this month.
The first change is an addition to the survivor’s heads-up display. There now will be an indicator that tells the player what their teammates are currently doing. These objectives include repairing a generator, healing, being chased or cleansing a totem. This change will be a welcome addition to solo queuers who often don’t have the ability to know what their fellow survivors are doing.
In addition, achievement hunters will appreciate the change to Merciless Killer. Instead of needing a double pip, obtaining 4 kills will now provide the killer with the coveted rating. Those who strive for the adept killer achievements will now be able to do so more easily.
The queuing experience also will see changes. While waiting for a match, players may now peruse the store, the archives and their daily rituals. The game will wait until the transaction is complete if they are in the middle of it when the lobby opens, but if the delay is too long, they will be kicked. Killers can browse their other killers while in the queue and modify their load-outs and customizations.

Lastly, the improved Wiggle system will now be the norm for all players after the long-lasting beta phase. Wiggle now uses a ping-pong skill check mechanism rather than slamming the left and right inputs together.
Are you looking forward to these changes? Let us know on Twitter.

A journalism graduate from the University of North Texas, Allyson loves writing about games almost as much as she loves playing them.