If you are a fan of TikTok and an avid follower of anime and game tags, then you may have heard of Tower of Fantasy.
Dozens of streamers who tested the beta acclaimed it to be similar to Hoyoverse’s Genshin Impact, while some even stated it to be a better version. However, this may be an incredible disservice to the newly-released game.
Although Genshin Impact involves several co-op opportunities, its primary mission as a game is to focus on open-world exploration. Tower of Fantasy is an MMORPG, and within minutes of playing (after a few hours of character customization), It becomes increasingly obvious ToF puts more focus on the multiplayer aspect. The story in Tower of Fantasy is a sci-fi based with a world design that is reminiscent of Borderlands more so than Genshin Impact. The game’s combat options are a lot more varied as well, something the player gets to experience pretty much from the get-go. While there may be credit to the rumors of it being a ‘Genshin Impact killer,’ it’s probably only true for a select number of players who have experienced both.
Character Customization
Tower of Fantasy offers new players the option to play as one of their default main characters along with five pre-configured player looks offered for both genders. Players are free to adjust hair color and type, eye color and shape, facial modifications as well as slight differences in height and body shape.
Clothing in the game is also fairly flexible with options and varieties with the use of a color wheel and gradient scale. Hair and eye color options also use this feature.
Gacha Segment
More options for the character are available with the help of the gacha segment of the game where it introduces Special Orders. Special Orders are a mechanic that the game uses to pull for characters known as Simulacrum. This gacha system is a bit different than in other games, because when you retrieve the character, you effectively get the skin to use that character in open-world combat and exploration along with their battle traits and weapon.
However, if the player so wished, they could use their customized or pre-configured character that the game provided to instead either use the Simulacrum’s ability and/ or their weapon for combat. So it wouldn’t require the Simulacrumcharacter to be on the field for the player to take advantage of the character’s abilities and weapons that come alongside it.
Gameplay and Combat
With a diverse range of weapons, Tower of Fantasy proves to have some fun and chaotic gameplay mechanics. Unique Special Attacks and Ruin Items alter and expand upon the already insane possibilities players are given.
Each weapon offers a unique style and element that is reminiscent of Borderlands’ weapons while also providing use for solving puzzles in the open world like in Genshin Impact.
While not as fluid in motion or character-to-environment as the previously mentioned games, Tower of Fantasy does have incredibly fun combat mechanics and a beautiful world built on advanced sci-fi fantasy. Though its story may not be as immersive, the game rewards players for exploring the branching side quests and the world itself.
Tower of Fantasy better serves players who enjoy a more active role in their game, get similar rewards for putting their time and efforts into world exploration and don’t need hand-holding through too many tutorials to understand how the game is meant to be played. For those who enjoy co-op interactions, Crews (Guilds and Teams), as well as optimizing the most out of your combat mechanics, Tower of Fantasy is going to be a fantastic game.
To say that Tower of Fantasy is meant to be Genshin Impact’s downfall is a stretch when players try to compare an MMO to an RPG. For players who enjoy a passive role in a game and take their time with the story, they’ll enjoy Genshin Impact, however for players who enjoy actively learning about the game combat, mechanics and exploration, they’ll find Tower of Fantasy much more fun to play. In the end, it’s entirely up to the preference of the player on what kind of experience they expect when trying a new game.

Jordan is a student studying Digital and Print Journalism at the University of North Texas. After discovering how much fun gaming journalism can be, she hopes to make a career in it once she graduates. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing games such as Genshin Impact, Ace Attorney, and Fire Emblem or watching Murder, She Wrote late at night on weekdays.